35, codename: Conundrum. Triggered memory from age seventeen helps answer many unanswered questions regarding Victor’s disappearance.
Connor MacKenzie
34, head of the FCA, codename: TDI-1. Keeper of the temporal Bruder Trinity Element. Discovered lost Earth Station containing answers about Victor and Martin’s disappearance from 1991 after Martin turned on the FCA.
Tom Richards (Richaurdus)
Age unknown, Bruder living as a human, oversees the Earth Station One complex buried beneath the Liberty Reservoir. die Widerstand healer.
Jim Marks (Markaurdus)
Age unknown, Bruder living as a human, acting as the 20th-century liaison to the FCA. die Widerstand Bruder spiritual leader. Martin tortures and executes him in 2006 to escape Area 51.
Kristina Ecklie
39, FCA Chief Medical Officer, living aboard FCA-1 in 2095. Eludes to having answers about Pearson’s future and his ‘darkest hour.’ She’s already met a future version of Pearson, where she develops feelings for him.
Ryan Capesseo
24, FCA second in command, codename: TDI-2. Keeper of the visual Bruder Trinity element. With Kristina, they try to prevent Martin from escaping via the Bruder-4 ship. Both may pay the ultimate price.
Vincent Rettori (Victor Merrick)
38, hiding out with Martin in Earth Station Twelve in the Gulf of Mexico. Under Dan’s supervision, Martin, at gunpoint, uses Bruder tech to force the merging of VIctor’s consciousness with the SAIN AI. The result is a child-like Vincent Rettori.
Lukcaurdus (Luke)
Age Unknown. Bruder living as a human. Oversees the entrance to Earth Station One via a hatch in his home. The same home Pearson grew up in until they left in 1981. Former die Widerstand infantry.
Daniel Wilson
60. Corporation agent, taken hostage by Martin to escape Area 51. Dan and Martin disappear attempting to use Bruder-4’s gravity drive. Their fate remains unknown.
Jonas Buckley
25 in 1989, Corporation agent. Responsible for transporting seventeen-year-old Pearson off the Liberty Reservoir shoreline.
Martin Wexler
Spiritually 56, having been lost in 1981, reliving twenty-five years to return to 2006. No longer carries the spiritual Bruder Trinity element. Escapes Area 51 and steals Bruder-4 from Earth Station One. Kills Jim and Tom in the process.
Becca Saccarelli
37, Pearson’s long-lost love from 1991. She currently resides in Germantown, Maryland. Resurfaces via Yahoo Messenger in 2009. Unhappily married. She and Pearson reconnect and begin an emotional affair.