Tales of a Gen-X Nothing

I’d sum up Generation X neatly with the following:

Born between 1965 and 1980. Latchkey kids. Expert DIY-ers. Fiercely independent. Rebellious. Tech-savvy (but not tech-dependant). And…we don’t care. Whatever.

I am Generation X, you see. Anyone who follows me on Facebook knows I am a huge proponent of and sometimes an activist for my generation. Gen-X is considered the middle child, between the Baby Boomers and the Millenials (sometimes called Gen-Y).  We are also referred to as the forgotten generation. Our numbers hover somewhere in the 65 million range (smaller than our former and latter counterparts). We also have our own culture that is slowly vanishing.

Here’s the thing. I love to write, and in the Long Ago, I used to blog regularly. I was opinionated and unfiltered as I am today…and not always well met. But I didn’t care, as most of my generation does not. A few months ago, I developed a major case of writer’s block. For someone like me, it’s soul-crushing. One of the writer’s groups I frequent suggested that when writer’s block occurs, one way to deal with it is to write what we know. Specifically, our memoirs, even if we’re not famous. The idea is to break the block, and who cares if the work is ever published.

Fair enough.

So I began to do just that. As it turns out, I have some stories that may be worth sharing. Stuff so far off the beaten path, it couldn’t possibly be made up. Concurrently, the block began to fade away. A friend of mine, Dan, suggested I do a podcast. Not a bad idea, but more work (and money) than I’m willing to commit to at present. But a blog? Why not? I still have other things to write about besides crazy stories from my youth. Dan likes to pick topics, sometimes controversial, and ask me, “So, Kev… what’s your Gen-X take on <insert topic>” for which I’m supposed to come up with an honest answer without thinking about it. Often times the replies are good for a few laughs…and a few groans. Yeah, I still got it. Time to begin blogging again, I guess.

To be perfectly honest, I’d prefer not to use the blog on this site for topics that I have no doubt will be controversial. I’m still an unknown. A ‘nobody’ if you like. I don’t like to mix business and politics/opinions as, ultimately, I could potentially alienate half my audience (I get that half of twenty is only ten, but still).

I’m a Gen-X nobody. And I have some tales to share.

Look for my new blog sometime in December: www.genxnothing.com


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